Our range of landscape architectural commissions spans the full spectrum of landscape planning, landscape masterplanning & concept and detailed design schemes.
Our landscape service is frequently delivered alongside our planning and urban design services.
- Concept through to construction
- Green infrastructure strategies
- Raingardens and sustainable drainage design
- Street and public space design
- Parks and play spaces
- Green roofs and terraces
- Landscape masterplanning
- Landscape & Visual Impact Assessments
- Retrofit of GI into urban landscape
- Leisure, Resort & Tourism
- Education
- Residential
- Health
- Retail
- Frideswide Square, Oxford
(Shortlisted UK CIHT, 2016) - Eastern Promenade, Barry
(Shortlisted UK RTPI, 2015)
Ready to work together?
We are more than happy to discuss any project, any size, at any time.
or call 029 2023 6133