Bristol Temple Quarter

Bristol Temple Quarter

Project Information

Client: Bristol City Council
Partners: Paul Stamper Heritage
Location: Bristol
Service: Planning Consultancy

Ongoing design support to Bristol City Council

The Challenge

We are working for the Temple Quarter Joint Delivery Team (a partnership between Bristol City Council, West of England Combined Authority, Network Rail and Homes England), providing support to Bristol City Council in assessing a number of pre-application enquiries and planning applications in the Temple Quarter area.

Temple Quarter is one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects, aiming for the delivery of around 10,000 new homes and 22,000 new jobs across the entirety of the 130-hectare area. Projects on which we are providing support include the mixed-use redevelopment of the Temple Island site, and a series of other residential-led mixed use proposals.

Our Role

The Urbanists are providing urban design, landscape and heritage advice at various stages of the planning process on each project. Our role is designed to help ensure that proposals coming forward reflect Bristol’s character, unlock the potential of a prominent regeneration area and create a place where people want to live, work and spend time.

The Outcome

Through collaborative and constructive working with the Council (as Local Planning Authority) and applicants, we are helping to shape emerging proposals for the better in placemaking terms.

Ready to work together?

We are more than happy to discuss any project, any size, at any time.