Strategic Residential Site, Swansea
Project Information
A very large strategic residential allocation by a National Housebuilder on a site with very challenging topography
The Challenge
Our client required masterplanning assistance to prepare a hybrid planning application for 550 homes and a primary school on a large strategic site in Swansea. The site has a number of challenges which, in our view, presented unique placemaking opportunities. Large areas of the site are sloping (in different directions!) with steep gradients and significant green infrastructure constraints as well as the placement of a strategic water main across the site.

Our Role
Combining these challenges, along with the requirement to ensure the site drainage is managed sustainably, has resulted in a proposed masterplan that has a significant amount of green and blue infrastructure. This has formed the basis of a GI led masterplan that successfuly combines excellent placemaking principles which are applied in a commercially aware context.
The Outcome
A significant development of homes which have a positive interface with proposed or existing POS. The development is entirely outward facing and integrates a hierarchy of streets and spaces which ensure distinctiveness and legibility. A captivating strategy of play, amenity and leisure is at the heart of the masterplan, ensuring a development which contributes positively to the existing community.

Ready to work together?
We are more than happy to discuss any project, any size, at any time.