Successful Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDS)
We’re coming to the conclusion of several months of in-depth research into the details that make a successful Sustainable Drainage scheme

We’re coming to the conclusion of several months of in-depth research into the details that make a successful Sustainable Drainage scheme (SuDS) with a specific focus on raingarden design. We have:
Worked with notable landscape academics to influence a fully researched and checked list of plants that can thrive in the alternating wet/dry conditions in a raingarden
Collaborated with contractors (including @KnightsBrown) and suppliers to work out where the risks are and how they can be overcome with proper specification and supervision
Worked closely with a range of drainage engineers across consultants and Council’s to accurately design for an achievable and sustainable hydraulic infiltration rate (most notably with Burroughs),
liaised with soil specialists to refine growing medium specification and ensure that we succeed in getting the right growing medium to site
Finally, we’re spreading the knowledge into our masterplanning and planning teams. It’s especially important that a high-level SuDS strategy on a residential masterplan can be implemented successfully when translated into a detailed design
We have a range of projects across the UK that incorporate both SuDS retrofit and SuDS being integrated into new developments. If you need support on a similar project, please get in touch with our of our team at