Facilitating Solar Canopy Installations for 3ti

The Urbanists are supporting the planning process for 3ti, securing necessary consents and advising on potential issues to ensure prior approval and planning permission.
Advances in solar technology and the demand for EV charging facilities have created the opportunity to install solar canopies in existing car parks and rooftops.
Until recently, ground-level car park canopies required planning permissions, but now in England, they usually require prior approvals concerning siting, design, and external appearance.
We have been managing the planning process for our clients 3ti to secure the necessary consents, advising on potential issues to help ensure that applications for prior approval and planning permission are secured.
The Eastbourne project will provide power to the associated hospital. A project in Crewe involved securing approvals for rooftop solar panels over ten separate industrial and commercial buildings at Bentley Motors. This reduces the client’s risk and ensures clarity on planning requirements and programmes, which are usually critical for these projects, both for the client and for associated infrastructure delivery.
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