Employee Ownership
Drives The Preparation of The Next Business Plan

After a very busy Spring, it feels like Summer is here and it’s, therefore, time to knuckle down and concentrate on the next iteration of our business plan. We plan things for a living, so wouldn’t it be a bit weird if we didn’t make a ‘masterplan’ for the kind of business we want to be in three years time?
We’ve already made a start by bringing everyone together in one space (the fabulous Newport Market) and tasking them to think about The Urbanists from the outside in and the inside out. The outputs from the sessions will provide the Directors and Management Team with the raw material to draft up a draft plan and refine it alongside the rest of the team.
Our new goals will be ready to go by October 1st. We hit all the goals that we set ourselves three years ago ahead of schedule, so this time we will aim a higher – and we should. As urban designers, landscape architects and planners we are uniquely able to respond to the crises relating to housing, the High Street, climate and biodiversity. Our work helps streets, neighbourhoods and towns rediscover their role and our projects help to reduce reliance on the private car.
We believe that our work is of vital importance and so we need the business to succeed, to ensure we achieve our goals and to create a vibrant and rewarding professional context for our team, who, after all, own the majority of the business.
We’ll keep you posted on our progress.